jueves, 15 de diciembre de 2016

Este es el engaño de las figuras perfectas en redes

En ocasiones son sorprendentes las figuras de algunas personas en sus fotografías de Instagram, o las famosas dietas y ejercicios que prometen cambios en meses.

La bloguera finlandesa Sarah Puhto crea el debate en las redes sociales por sus fotos en las que intenta desengañar a los internautas y mostrar cómo realmente se hacen esas imágenes.

Con solo cambiar algunos detalles, las fotografías cambian radicalmente, sin necesidad de filtros ni dedicarse meses a hacer ejercicios o estrictas dietas. En algunas solo con cambiar la pose del cuerpo.

"En un mundo donde las nalgas de Kardashian son tan glorificadas, tenemos que recordar que las fotos que vemos de ella y otras no son siempre realidad. Sus traseros no pueden siempre verse tan grandes desde todos los ángulos", escribió Puhto en una de sus publicaciones.

De esta manera, la joven de 20 años busca hacer que los internautas no se engañen con las imágenes perfectas que ven en las redes sociales. El objetivo es que los jóvenes no tengan estos prototipos como su objetivo, sino que se respeten y quieran a sí mismos.

20 hour transformation photo 😁🌿 Since it's the day after thanksgiving I thought it'd be appropriate to share this photo 😬 The first photo was taken yesterday morning after working out, the second was at night after eating a whole bunch of food with my whole tummy relaxed and the third was this morning again after working out 🏋🏻 I've posted a photo like this before but I just wanted to remind you that it's normal for your stomach to get bigger after large meals and that our bodies don't look the same throughout the day! I know I get pretty bloated looking after I eat a lot and that used to really upset me because I thought there was something wrong with me and that nobody else's tummy looked like this after eating but I realised its just not shown or talked about a lot. So I just wanted to show what my relaxed food baby tummy looks like compared to my empty, post workout tummy. I'm learning to love my body in ALL its forms, not just when it looks lean and toned because I know I don't look like that all day. It's time for me to love and appreciate the body I have and stop striving for "perfection" ☺️ Anyway, I hope you all had an amazing thanksgiving, got some delicious food in and spent quality time with your family and friends!! 🌴☀️

A photo posted by Sara Puhto (@saggysara) on

Flex vs no flex ft bloating 😬 Kinda terrified to post this but 🙃 So I've been looking through Instagram for the past few hours, admiring all these beautiful humans and started feeling kinda shitty cause I'm bloated af today ✌🏼️ Then I realised that all those photos I was obsessing over were taken flexed showing these peoples hard work that they've put into working out and eating good and stuff. Ive realised this before but I still think to myself "I bet they don't get this bloated" or " they probably still have abs when they're not flexing or when they're bloated" and it makes me feel kinda shitty about myself tbh so I thought I'd share this to show you guys how flexing can change how you look in pictures and that I reaaaallly don't look like the flexed photos all the time, I just look like that when I'm flexing! Also don't compare your body to someone else's because you won't look 100% like someone else because we're all different. You're unique and beautiful! But yeah... I hope this helps someone if you're having a similar day to me 🙈 Please ignore my faces, I was trying to concentrate on what I was doing and all of a sudden felt super awkward and decided to go all Miley Cyrus in one of them 😝 . . . #realtalk #bloated #noflex #flex #comparison #bbg #bbg2 #bbggirls #bbgsisters #bbgcommunity #bbgvegan #bbgfinland #vegan #vegansofig #sweatwithkayla #kaylasarmy #kaylaitsines #fitnessmotivation #veganfitness #girlswithmuscle #girlswholift #realshit #truthbetold

A photo posted by Sara Puhto (@saggysara) on

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